Sol is FRC 333's 2019 robot. This robot won awards for both it's looks and it's functionality. It has a passive intake for hatch panels and a roller across it's front that feeds the main claw cargo. I was responsible for the CAD and CAM on this robot. I did a majority of the CAD/CAM myself but also managed 3 other members of the CAD/CAM team.


The hatch panel mechanism was designed to slide and pivot any way it needed too in order to passively grab a hatch panel from the human player station. The mechanism has an embedded sensor that uses two LED's and a photosensitive resistor to detect when it has hatch panels in it's possession. When it comes time to let the hatch panel go this mechanism uses a single-acting pneumatic cylinder to release and score the hatch panel. I did the design work for this mechanism and it's embedded sensor.


The hatch panel mechanism was designed to slide and pivot any way it needed too in order to passively grab a hatch panel from the human player station. The mechanism has an embedded sensor that uses two LED's and a photosensitive resistor to detect when it has hatch panels in it's possession. When it comes time to let the hatch panel go this mechanism uses a single-acting pneumatic cylinder to release and score the hatch panel. I did the design work for this mechanism and it's embedded sensor.